Teaching English in Kindergarten

Major Cities In China, | Full Time | 60,008,000 to 1,000,012,000CNY per month

Teaching English in Kindergarten

Full Time job in Major cities in China

Plan a program that helps each student achieve learning objectives and curriculum goals, prepare lesson materials and resources, upload teaching plans and supporting resources, select and use instructional methods and materials appropriate to the students and learning activities, utilize games, music, books, art, technology and other resources to teach basic skills and foster student development, adapt standard teaching methods to meet different student needs and interests, create a positive and appropriate classroom environment that is conducive to learning, develop and implement a suitable classroom management system, establish and enforce rules for acceptable behavior, apply and follow up on approved disciplinary interventions, instruct children on personal hygiene practices and self-care, encourage cooperative social behavior through games and activities, observe, evaluate, and record children's social and academic progress, provide constructive feedback to parents, guardians, and administration, prepare written reports, plan and order classroom equipment and supplies, ensure equipment and facilities are clean and safe, collaborate with other staff members to promote the general health of the school, perform required administrative duties including attending staff meetings, uphold the school code of conduct and all school policies, rules and procedures in a supportive and positive manner, attend, support and engage in staff curriculum development.

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